Data Protection Policy and Privacy Statement

十大网络彩票平台大全能源有限公司(LEL)致力于保护与十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金互动的人的隐私和安全. 十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金认识到需要保护您提供给十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金的个人信息, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018, the Data Protection Act 2018 and any other applicable privacy laws.

LEL对十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金为自己的目的收集和处理的数据负责,并致力于维护十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金处理的个人数据的安全性和隐私性, whether through our website or through our interactions with suppliers, our community or industry partners.


就本资料保护政策及私隐声明文件而言, “个人信息”包括与您相关的任何信息和/或可识别您身份的信息, directly or indirectly. For example, information which identifies you may consist of your name, address, telephone number, photographs, location data or one or more factors specific to your physical, economic, cultural or social identity. When we combine other information (i.e. information that does not, on its own, identify you) with Personal Information, we treat the combined information as Personal Information.

Information given by you will be received by LEL. 十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金将按照英国GDPR的规定,对您提供的所有信息予以保密, tailored by the DPA 2018. We will not disclose this information to any third parties except (a) where required or permitted by law; or (b) where your consent has been received.

您可以提交您的个人信息(例如您的姓名和电子邮件地址等).) in order to receive or use services. 当十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金收集这些信息时,十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金只会通过安全连接进行.  All your information will be protected and used by LEL only.

Data collected


  • Personal Information directly provided by you

您可以向十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金提供个人信息,如您的十大网络彩票平台大全, identification details and financial data (such as your name, home address, 电话号码及银行户口资料)填写表格或与十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金电话联络, email, post or otherwise. 

  • Surveillance


LEL认识到易于访问其网站对业务至关重要, 允许其客户及时运送和存放废物,然后离开现场. Therefore, LEL应确保所有进入工地的人员在工地上时,从安全和保安的角度对他们进行核算.

How do we use your personal information?

We may use the Personal Information we collect for:

  • Analysis purposes;
  • Customer support;
  • Service improvement;
  • General business purposes;
  • Carrying out our legal obligations;
  • Prevention of accidents on LEL controlled sites;
  • For training and quality purposes;
  • Internal compliance monitoring; and
  • Internal record keeping in compliance with GDPR.


  • On the basis that we are acting in our “legitimate interests” e.g. for the purposes of effective business management;
  • Where we need to comply with a legal obligation; or
  • 在更罕见的情况下,十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金可能需要使用您的个人信息以保护您的切身利益.g. 在医疗紧急情况下,十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金可能需要向医院披露您的健康信息.


十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金只会将您的个人信息用于十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金的内部业务目的, some of which are mentioned above. We do not sell any of your Personal Information to third parties. However, we may disclose your information to service providers, email support services, regulators, legal teams, accountants and actuaries, 向十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金的公共机构股东提供关键绩效指标报告,并向LEL的所有部分提供.

We have put in place appropriate physical, 电子和技术措施,以保护十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金收集的与十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金的服务有关的个人信息. In addition, 十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金只允许有业务需要的员工和代理商访问您的个人信息. They will only process your Personal Information on our instructions, and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

How long do we store your personal information for?


Your rights in relation to your data

根据数据保护法,您对如何处理您的个人数据享有多项权利.  You can exercise these rights by emailing LEL at 或写信给十大网络彩票平台大全能源有限公司,地址:ecoppark, Advent Way, London, N18 3AG.


  • 被告知的权利-你有权被告知有关收集和使用你的个人资料的准确方式, transparent, comprehensible and easily accessible form.
  • 查阅的权利-你有权要求劳教所复印你的个人资料.  LEL may charge a £10 fee for this.
  • 更正的权利-您有权要求LEL更正您认为不准确的任何信息. 您也有权要求LEL补充您认为不完整的信息.
  • 删除的权利-您有权要求LEL删除您的个人数据, under certain conditions.
  • 限制处理的权利-您有权要求LEL限制处理您的个人数据, under certain conditions.
  • 资料可携权-您有权要求LEL将十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金收集的资料转移给其他机构或直接转移给您, under certain conditions.
  • 反对处理的权利-您有权反对LEL处理您的个人数据, under certain conditions.


  • Complete a Subject Access Request
  • Contact LEL’s Data Protection Officer via email – 
  • 联络LEL的资料保护主任,邮寄至以下地址:

Name: Paul Rooney, Data Protection Officer

邮政地址:十大网络彩票平台大全能源有限公司,EcoPark, Advent Way,埃德蒙顿,十大网络彩票平台大全,N18 3AG

We may ask you for identification prior to disclosing any data, 因为十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金需要确保十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金只向有权获得信息的人披露信息.


您也有权向数据保护监管机构提出投诉, the UK Information Commissioner’s Office.

Postal Address: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF


Live Chat:

Online Form

Telephone: 0303 123 1113


Changes to our Data Protection Policy and Privacy Statement

LEL会定期检讨其资料保障政策及私隐声明,并将任何更新内容上载于本网页. 本数据保护政策和隐私声明最后更新于2021年10月11日.

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